Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have become an essential tool for streamlining these processes and driving growth. Let’s explore the significance of CRM for franchise sales and dive into the differences between legacy CRMs such as FranConnect and coming ones like the Franchise sales edition of SeoSamba CRM.
New CRM Online Sales Proposal Functionality with Digital Signature and Deposit Payment Support. SeoSamba March Product Update
A CRM and sales automation solution built specifically for franchise sales, a new mobile CRM App in your backpocket that let you manage contacts across any number of points of presence, or a Google and Facebook reputation management tool, are just few of the new products and major features our valued subscribers have enjoyed this year.
If your provider missed the boat when it comes to mobile CRM, when it comes to scoring, when it comes to email & text messaging integration, lead intelligence and all the attributes of a robust sales pursuit system, read on.