Toaster Support

Toaster Support


One-time: $9.00


Monthly: $3.00

Plugin Info

Plugin Licence Info

Category: Productivity

Size: 0 kg

Plugin ID: 17

Requires CMS Version: 3.6.0

Another ideal plugin for support staff and web designers. Ease the website creation process with this "toaster support" plugin. Your client can now leave tags/post-it right onto web pages itself.

Another ideal plugin for support staff and web designers. Ease the website creation process with this "toaster support" plugin. Your client can now leave tags/post-it right onto web pages itself. Once they're done tagging it through, click a button and all support requests get sent to a pre-configured email, and logged in as admin you can browse through each annotation in-context. Simple as pie.


How to install Toaster Support Plugin

To upload and install Toaster Support Plugin, simply follow standard plugin installation procedures

How to use Toaster Support Plugin

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