Franchise And Store Locator

Franchise And Store Locator


One-time: $0.00



Plugin Info

Plugin Licence Info

Category: Business Solutions

Size: 0 kg

Plugin ID: 77

Requires CMS Version: 3.6.0

This plugin let you add a zip locator to your web site. Your site visitors can then search for the closest point of sales. Ideal for retail store brands, franchising brands, manufacturers, distributors with resellers or dealers networks.

Help your website visitors find the closest location to buy your products and services with this store locator plugin. In the process, create a landing page for each location, and promote these pages with Google to help your local search engine rankings. It is flexible as you can send visitors either to the dealer landing page or to the dealer's own website when referenced.


How to install Franchise And Store Locator Plugin

To upload and install Franchise And Store Locator Plugin, simply follow standard plugin installation procedures

How to use Franchise And Store Locator Plugin

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