by (400 points)
Version 2.5.

The email to a User/Customer requesting to reset their password doesn't show useful information.  This is what comes through;



Use the password you've set during the registration or go to the {user:passwordLink} to change it.
<Click here to log in> (BUTTON WITH LINK)

It looks like the program didn't find anything to fill the {user:email} or {user:passwordLink} shortcodes with.

1 Answer

by (5.1k points)
Hello Rsthomas.

In your case you should setup password retrieve email. To do this you should follow the following steps:
1) Go to "Other" in right menu when logged in - > Action E-mails & SMS;
2) Click "Seotoaster" label under "toaster" icon;
3) Click "Password reset request";
4) If nothing is there - click "+", othervise there should be form by default;
5) Fill in
"send to" - > member;
"use template" - > email;
"with message" - > Please click the link below to reset your password: <div style="word-break:break-all;">{reset:link}</div>
"from" - > your email;
"with subject" - > Password reminder;
6) Click changes.
That's it.

Regars, Pavel.