by (120 points)
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I use the seotoaster V2.0.4 with Ioncube loader.

Apache2 and sendmail (exim4) is configured correctly.
I can send mails by the PHP Function mail().

Why the login retrive form is not working?

After the Message: "We've sent an email to *** containing a temporary url that will allow you to reset your password for the next 24 hours. Please check your spam folder if the email doesn't appear within a few minutes."

I cannot find any mail in my inbox or spam folder.

I use the theme Insurance_full.
I do not use the SMTP Option in the E-Mail-Settings (manage config).
I cannot find any erros in the Apache-Error-Log or EXIM4-Error-Log.
In the MySQL table user is stored the correct mail address.
In the MySQL table password_reset_log is stored a token_hash for the correct user.
In the MySQL table config is stored the correct admin mail.

1 Answer

by (14.9k points)
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Hi angusmacgyver,

We have already fixed this password reset bug in our next SEO Toaster release which will come out within the next two weeks.
We will announce about the launch of the new release on our Twitter and Facebook accounts. Please stay connected with us.