by (420 points)
Why am I getting the following cache_dir error message?

Application error
Exception information:
Message: Could not determine temp directory, please specify a cache_dir manually

cache, temp and tmp folders exist on the server.
     Owner:  www-data: www-data
     Permissions: 755

The message seems to be coming from install/installer/resources/application.ini.default:
     cache.backend.cache_dir                = "cache{directory_separator}" on a cPanel-like hosting environment (

At the least, how do I specify a cache_dir manually?


1 Answer

ago by (5.2k points)
Hello Rsthomas,

You should not change default values ​​in application.ini

cache.frontend.lifetime = "7200"
cache.frontend.automatic_serialization = 1
cache.frontend.ignore_user_abort = 1
cache.backend.hashed_directory_level = 3
cache.backend.cache_dir = "cache/"

Please make sure that the user www-data has the necessary privileges to write to the cache folder, also check the rights to the subdirectories there.

Best regards, Pavel