by (420 points)
Hi Team,

I want to create a news system (just like a blog)... so i had created 3 - 4 news via this section NEWS -> CREATE A NEWS POST

Now, i want to display this news list on a page... but i don't know the proper syntax of it... i had searched on the website but didn't succeed...

As per my guess... It will be something like this
{$newslist:news list:2} just like {$featured:area:services:4:250:img}

So, Please provide me the proper syntax displaying news list.

1 Answer

by (180 points)
Hello Anshul,

you can use this widget {$newslist:news list:2}, keeping in mind that 2 corresponds to the number of news links displayed on a page (you can change this number accordingly)
by (420 points)
Please specify that what "news" after first colon and "list" before last colon denotes to ? means both these are fixed or i can change... {$newslist:news list:2}
by (180 points)
let's see this widget by parts {$newslist:news list:2}
newslist: - this widget name
news list: - name of the template that is in use / can be changed, for example: news list2 - depends how you name it in the Toaster
2 - number of news links displayed on a page / can be changed
by (180 points)
Useful link for documentation:
by (420 points)
Thank you so much for this... My problem is over now...